Monday, April 12, 2010

Patience and Portals

Choice is a complicated thing. The more options you have; the more likely the wrong one. This painting is about the power of positive choices and the options that lie within...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Local Warming

This piece is simultaneously about global warming and human symbiosis in nature. The landscape is indicative of the warming land; the tributaries of water and its affects on the world population. The green represents the remaining grasslands and trees of an ever encroaching and changing landscape...

16"x 20" - 40.6cm x 50.5 cm

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beth in the evening

This painting is the representation of a moment of bliss and epiphany. The model is displayed in a very relaxed state; surrounded by calm zen-like semi-enclosure. She wanders off into the distance in her mind...

Beth in the evening ( detail)