Monday, October 26, 2009

Fire and Ice

Oil on panel- 12x12"
30cm x 30cm

Fire and Ice - detail

Manifest Vanity

Oil on panel - 18" x 12" ( 46cm x 30.5cm)
This Piece is about the eternal pursuit of beauty. It centers around a youthful lady who has some how manifested herself into existence. The order of which is in the eye of the beholder...

Manifest Vanity- detail

Studio figure drawing male

Studio figure drawing

Bodice fragment

Lucy studio figure drawing

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Upside down man- studio drawing...


Rubenesque nude studio drawing...

Studio Drawings

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

From my collection of studio figure drawings with emphasis on the nude body.

Dara of the plains... oil on panel 12"x 18 1/2"

Banner blog!!!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog... This is my introductory page of my Gallery of fine art creations. Enjoy and inspire!